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2025 NCP Bay Retreat

Updated: Jul 8

February 28-March 1, 2025 "Fearless Dialogues" - BLOCK the date for this "can't miss" event!

WHEN: Friday, February 28 to Saturday, March 1, 2025

WHERE: Hyatt Place, Dewey Beach, DE

WHO: For everyone within the church!! 

It's early and we ask you to  block this time on your church calendars to avail everyone a chance to take part. Here's a sneak peak ... 

The program is a “next steps” follow-up to the last two bay retreats with a powerful message to become good neighbors externally with additional features that:

  • Increase self-awareness for our own personal faith, affirmed in their humanity.

  • Explore fears to allow us to be ourselves.

  • Embrace both sides of the aisle openly to address the uncomfortable and live through it.

  • Provide a book for each participant.

More info forthcoming ... watch this space and your email!

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