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  • Writer's pictureCindy

Arise, Shine, Prepare

"Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the LORD rises upon you."

~Isaiah 60:1

2023 affords beginning anew in faith and living. The life of the Presbytery and associated gatherings commencing in January include:

  • The first opportunity is on Saturday, January 21 with our Leadership Equipping Day! Registration is open; read more about it below!

  • Next up will be the Called Meeting of Presbytery, Tuesday, February 7, 6:30 p.m. to vote on amendments to the Book of Order by the 225th General Assembly. View training videos with NCP Connectional Presbyter/Stated Clerk Cindy Kohlmann to review the amendments (November & December are posted on the Training webpage; January will be held on the 19th at 5:00 p.m.). Pre-register to attend via Zoom.

  • The "not to miss" Bay Retreat will be held Friday, March 3 through Saturday, March 4. New format, meaningful worship and outstanding presenters with registration opening in a few days. Watch for a special edition of the Midweek beckoning your participation early next week!

  • And pivitol Presbytery Assemblies scheduled for 2023: Saturday, May 20, Saturday, September 23, and Tuesday, November 28. Additional details on the Presbytery Gatherings webpage.

Counting Our Chickens

Thank you! Gracias! Chjonte! During our recent Chicken Project campaign, we raised funds for 2,240 chickens! This means that 112 indigenous women will each receive a set of 20 chicks, feed and training in 2023.

We invite you to watch this video - a personal thank you message from one of the participants who just loves her fat and healthy chickens!

Other topics in this newsletter you don't want to miss:

  • Congo Partnership

  • Edge for Tomorrow Board of Directors Plea

  • Riverfront Ministries new worshipping community

  • Scholarship Opportunity

  • Employment Opportunity

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