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  • Writer's pictureDonna


September 12, 2024 Presbytery Pause - The Immigrant Justice Committee (IJC) of New Castle Presbytery recently traveled to the Texas/Mexico border to see for ourselves how people are seeking both compassionate welcome and security. We spoke with Border Patrol and Homeland Security officers, both current and retired; legal representatives who help immigrants navigate the complex system of courts, status classifications, and detention centers; a Presbyterian pastor who is also an EMT tasked with tending to the injured or the dead in the borderlands; shelter workers in Mexico where migrants await their appointment with US Customs; and the Abara organization which seeks to educate and work for holistic solutions to the snarls of immigration processes.

IJC understands the call to see the human face of the sojourner who is vulnerable and far from home and to advocate for human rights. We also understand the need for border security and the need for a well-ordered and well-supported system of immigration.

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