September 7, 2024 - New Castle Presbytery's commitment, as guided by Matthew 25, seeks to eradicate systemic poverty with an intersectional priority of climate change. How can you get involved?
View the campaign "Presbytery Pause" for full details.
View the July 16 "Third Tuesday" dialogue to learn more about the history, the current status of houses being raised, and donations received to date.
View the August 15 "Third Thursday" site visit to hear the discussions with onsite managers, and travel along the roads of Crisfield, MD to view why, when and how the project and associated donations impact the community.
See the "NCP House" and read the September 6 message from NCP Trustees President, Ron McKinney
Donate on the Presbytery website through the "Giving" button (upper right corner), click on NCP Mission and Church Payments, and from the first "Give to" dropdown, select **Let's Raise a House ( OR mail checks payable to New Castle Presbytery to: 560 People's Plaza, #240, Newark, DE 19702.
Volunteer your group to work onsite with the Blue Ribbon Mitigation Task Force.
Presbytery has approved matching funds up to $50,000 with the goal to be reached by the September 21 Presbytery meeting. As of 9/7/24, we're 62% there! Thank you for your consideration.