The Presbytery offers guidance through governing documents, training and equipping opportunities, and other guidelines and procedures. Those resources are gathered on these pages for the building up of the body of Christ.
This is where minutes from Presbytery assemblies, documents related to the Manual and our life together, and resources from the PC(USA) like the Book of Order will be found.

Documents related to the life of a church and the ministry of pastors will be found on this page.

As Presbyterians, we engage in regular opportunities to learn with one another and expand our understanding of mission and ministry. Resources relating to our training and equipping events will be found here.

We have said an enthusiastic "yes!" to the PC(USA)'s invitation to be a Matthew 25 Presbytery. Part of that yes is providing opportunities to build vital congregations, dismantle structural racism, and eradicate systemic poverty. Each focus has its own website; click them to learn more!